
Routes of Life

 Life is made up of different routes. Every individual was created with a unique route, he must transverse in life. However, when one individual leaves his own route and hold on to another in a bid to prevent him from advancing forward in his route or direction, the one preventing the other also gets stuck, as he likewise, won't be able to advance forward.  In some cases, the smart or blessed, like Joseph can take off their clothes and flee from the grip of the one hindering them so they can go forward, while the one contending with them remains in that same spot. Moral: acts done to prevent the success of another, only hinders you.  Now, you don't need to be overly familiar with a person before you can help or encourage their course. Just like the good Samaritan.  Moreover, you don't need to perform a great feat before it is known that you have helped. The little things we do, matter a lot. Help is not only financial. Recommendation is a help. I remember I got my se...

The Mystery and Act of Naming

Just as in the case of Adam, today God still brings us people, things and situations and allows us to name it. We must be careful then what name we give a thing, for it was recorded in scriptures that 'what ever name Adam called it (the animal), that was the name thereof', Gen.2:18-20. So God gives us the power to name whatever comes our way. Adam even named Eve, Gen.3:20. Some singles have named their spouses wrongly and ended up losing such to another. They name the one that is meant to be wife/husband 'girlfriend/boyfriend', years down the road, they're in regret. Some business personalities named certain opportunities 'waste of time', years down the road, they're in regret. Some children were wrongly named by their parents at birth and became a burden in adulthood. Remember 'Jabez'? 1Chron.4:9. You don't name a child in accordance with the circumstances surrounding your conception and delivery. The name of children must be got by revelati...

Should An Opposite Sex Be My Best Friend?

Let's call a spade a spade. Spending more time whether physically or via phone calls, chats and the likes with someone of the opposite sex somehow has a way of making us get emotionally attached to them.  This has caused a lot of harm in many relationships as some persons do not know how to draw the line between the two. Sometimes I wonder, why even make someone of the opposite sex your bestie. If you must do that, why not with the one you're in relationship with? Maybe there could be some underlying reasons for this but in my opinion, I don't think it is right.  Haba! We're made of flesh and blood, feelings must develop. Sometimes, it might just be stemming from one party to the other who might just be enjoying the attention just for fun. The result, soon, the individual with the stronger feelings begin to find displeasure in his or her partner and unconsciously begin to make comparisons  The truth is, we get bonded to people when we begin to get really close to them. ...