
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Mystery and Act of Naming

Just as in the case of Adam, today God still brings us people, things and situations and allows us to name it. We must be careful then what name we give a thing, for it was recorded in scriptures that 'what ever name Adam called it (the animal), that was the name thereof', Gen.2:18-20. So God gives us the power to name whatever comes our way. Adam even named Eve, Gen.3:20. Some singles have named their spouses wrongly and ended up losing such to another. They name the one that is meant to be wife/husband 'girlfriend/boyfriend', years down the road, they're in regret. Some business personalities named certain opportunities 'waste of time', years down the road, they're in regret. Some children were wrongly named by their parents at birth and became a burden in adulthood. Remember 'Jabez'? 1Chron.4:9. You don't name a child in accordance with the circumstances surrounding your conception and delivery. The name of children must be got by revelati...